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- #include "AllTools.h"
- #include "fractal.h"
- #define NIL_POINTER 0L
- #define mrBlob1 ((x >> 8) & 255) + (y & 65280)
- #define mrBlob2 ((x >> 8) & 254) + (y & 65024)
- #define mrBlob3 ((x >> 8) & 252) + (y & 64512)
- #define heightShift 7
- void Maketables(void);
- void ToolBoxInit(void);
- void WindowInit(void);
- void MemInit(void);
- void MemEnd(void);
- void FillWindowsBlack( void );
- void WindowMove(void);
- asm copyOffScreen(void);
- asm clearOffScreen(void);
- #else
- void copyOffScreen(void);
- void clearOffScreen(void);
- #endif
- void ToDrawX1(void);
- void ToDrawX2(void);
- void ToDrawX4(void);
- void DoPreferences(void);
- void DoOther(void);
- void MakeMap(void);
- void ChangeHeight( int pss, int height );
- void Smooth(int pss);
- void MakeCols(void);
- void BlurMap(void);
- void Quit(void);
- int hght(short x, short y);
- int hght2(short x, short y);
- void fixVars(void);
- typedef struct
- {
- unsigned char map[256][256];
- } MAP, *mapPeek;
- typedef struct
- {
- unsigned long colorGrid[256][512];
- } aCol, *aColPeek;
- WindowPtr BackWindow, theGameWindow;
- PaletteHandle fracCols;
- Ptr offScreen;
- Ptr theTemp, theTemp2, theTemp3;
- videoInfo theScreen;
- Ptr ScrnBase;
- long hhhh, xxxx, yyyy, cxxxx, cyyyy;
- long mapX, mapY, mapXp, mapYp;
- long windX, windY, rayLen, xStep, yStep, windX2, windY2, windX4, windXstep, windYsteps, yOffSet;
- long cs[2560], sn[2560], angle;
- long theSize;
- long rBts, xres2, yres2, orfset;
- long randSeed, waterLevel;
- long velocity;
- short pNum;
- mapPeek the, the2;
- aColPeek the3;
- short oldBitDepth;
- long tempHeight;
- short RayLengthOption, PixelSizeOption, LandScapeOption, WindowSizeOption;
- long mx2, my2, scale;
- long keyBoard, maxHeight, roughness;
- void main( void )
- {
- Point tmpMouse;
- KeyMap theKeys;
- Boolean anEvent, intEnd;
- EventRecord theEvent;
- MbarInit();
- RayLengthOption = 6;
- PixelSizeOption = 4;
- LandScapeOption = 6;
- WindowSizeOption = 4;
- maxHeight = 2;
- roughness = 2;
- keyBoard = control_is_mouse;
- pNum = 8;
- windX = 256;
- windY = 192;
- rayLen = 511;
- xStep = 4;
- yStep = 2;
- waterLevel= 0;
- mapX = 256;
- mapY = 256;
- mapXp = mapX - 1;
- mapYp = mapY - 1;
- ToolBoxInit();
- qd.randSeed = (unsigned long)TickCount();
- randSeed = Random() + 32767;
- if (randSeed == 0) randSeed = 1;
- HideMenuBar();
- WindowInit();
- MemInit();
- Maketables();
- fixVars();
- // Scale is used to stadardise movement using the mouse on larger screens.
- scale = (long)(theScreen.resolutionX);
- while(TRUE)
- {
- DoPreferences();
- fixVars();
- WindowMove();
- MakeMap();
- BlurMap();
- MakeCols();
- if ( keyBoard == control_is_keys ) { mx2 = xres2; my2 = yres2; }
- clearOffScreen();
- hhhh = ((long)(the->map[(short)((yyyy >> 8) & 255)][(short)((xxxx >> 8) & 255)] + 4) << heightShift);
- intEnd = FALSE;
- while( intEnd == FALSE )
- {
- anEvent = GetNextEvent( 0xffff, &theEvent );
- GetKeys( theKeys );
- if ( keyBoard == control_is_mouse )
- {
- // Get and standardise the mouse position.
- GetMouse( &tmpMouse);
- mx2 = ((long)tmpMouse.h * scale) >> 9;
- my2 = ((long)tmpMouse.v * scale) >> 9;
- }
- if ( keyBoard == control_is_keys )
- {
- if ( ((theKeys[3] >> 3) & 0x01) == TRUE ) mx2 -= 32;
- if ( ((theKeys[3] >> 4) & 0x01) == TRUE ) mx2 += 32;
- if ( ((theKeys[3] >> 6) & 0x01) == TRUE ) my2 -= 32;
- if ( ((theKeys[3] >> 5) & 0x01) == TRUE ) my2 += 32;
- if ( mx2 > 512 ) mx2 = 512;
- if ( mx2 < 0 ) mx2 = 0;
- if ( my2 > 440 ) my2 = 440;
- if ( my2 < 0 ) my2 = 0;
- }
- // This part checks if you have pushed enter/space or the mouse button thus ending current flight
- if ( (theKeys[1] >> 9) & 0x01 == TRUE ) intEnd = TRUE; // space
- if ( (theKeys[1] >> 28) & 0x01 == TRUE ) intEnd = TRUE; // enter
- if ( Button() == TRUE ) intEnd = TRUE; // mouse button
- // Adjust you velocity due to key presses.
- if ( ((theKeys[0] >> 0) & 0x01) == TRUE ) velocity += 128; // key pressed is +
- if ( ((theKeys[0] >> 3) & 0x01) == TRUE ) velocity -= 128; // key pressed is -
- // Adjust the angle you are looking in.
- angle -= ((xres2 - mx2) >> 3);
- if ( angle > 2559 ) angle -= 2560;
- if ( angle < 0 ) angle += 2560;
- if ( ( theKeys[1] & 0x01 ) == FALSE ) // Is shift pressed?
- { // No, then direction and height can change.
- hhhh -= ((yres2 - my2)); // This line changes your altitude.
- cxxxx = ((cs[angle] * velocity) >> 8);
- cyyyy = ((sn[angle] * velocity) >> 8);
- }
- // Move you around in the x,y plane.
- xxxx += cxxxx;
- yyyy += cyyyy;
- yOffSet = (yres2 - my2) >> 1;
- // These lines make sure you don't go underground.
- tempHeight = ((long)(the->map[(short)((yyyy >> 8) & 255)][(short)((xxxx >> 8) & 255)] + 4) << heightShift);
- if (hhhh < tempHeight) hhhh = tempHeight;
- // Call the drawing routines.
- if (xStep == 1) ToDrawX1();
- if (xStep == 2) ToDrawX2();
- if (xStep == 4) ToDrawX4();
- }
- }
- }
- void fixVars(void)
- {
- angle = 0;
- rBts = (long)(theScreen.rowBytes);
- xres2 = (long)((theScreen.resolutionX) >> 1);
- yres2 = (long)((theScreen.resolutionY) >> 1);
- theSize = windX * windY;
- orfset = (xres2 - windX) + ((yres2 - windY) * rBts);
- windX2 = windX << 1;
- windY2 = windY << 1;
- windX4 = windX2 << 1;
- windYsteps = windY2 / yStep;
- windXstep = yStep * windX2;
- velocity = 256;
- }
- void Maketables(void)
- {
- long cnt;
- float num;
- long colr, shady, depth;
- long colorPtr;
- long shaded, shaded2;
- DialogPtr dialog;
- dialog = GetNewDialog(134, nil, (WindowPtr)-1);
- DrawDialog(dialog);
- // Make cosing and sine tables.
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < 2560; cnt++ )
- {
- num = (float)cnt * 0.00245436926062;
- cs[cnt] = (long)(cos(num) * 256);
- sn[cnt] = (long)(sin(num) * 256);
- }
- the3 = (aColPeek)theTemp3;
- // Make color tables.
- for (colr = 0;colr < 16; colr++)
- {
- for (shady = 0;shady < 16; shady++)
- {
- colorPtr = (colr << 4) + shady;
- for (depth = 0;depth < rayLen; depth ++)
- {
- shaded = ((shady << 2) - ((shady * depth) >> 7));
- shaded2 = shaded & 1; //Shaded2 is used for dithering
- shaded = shaded >> 1;
- shaded2 += shaded;
- if (shaded2 > 31) shaded2 = 31;
- shaded += ( colr << 5 );
- shaded2 += ( colr << 5 );
- shaded += ( shaded2 << 8 );
- shaded += ( shaded << 16 );
- the3->colorGrid[(short)colorPtr][(short)depth] = (unsigned long)shaded;
- }
- }
- }
- DisposDialog(dialog);
- }
- void ToolBoxInit(void)
- {
- InitGraf(&qd.thePort);
- InitFonts();
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS);
- InitWindows();
- InitMenus();
- TEInit();
- InitDialogs(NIL_POINTER);
- InitCursor();
- theScreen = GetVideoInfo();
- ScrnBase = theScreen.screenBase;
- }
- void WindowInit(void)
- {
- DialogPtr dialog;
- Boolean itsDone;
- short itemHit;
- Rect theRect, theGameRect;
- oldBitDepth = theScreen.bitsPerPixel;
- if (theScreen.BitDepthPossible[8] == FALSE) DoError( 17, TRUE); // Am I in an 8bit mode?
- // Can I do an 8bit mode? and if so can I change?
- if ((theScreen.bitsPerPixel != 8) && (theScreen.BitDepthPossible[8] == TRUE))
- {
- SysBeep(1);
- dialog = GetNewDialog(132, nil, (WindowPtr)-1);
- if (dialog == 0) DoError(4 ,TRUE);
- SetPort( dialog );
- DrawDialog(dialog);
- PenMode( 0 );
- PenSize( 3, 3 );
- theRect = GetDRect( dialog, 5 );
- FrameRoundRect( &theRect, 16, 16 );
- itsDone = FALSE;
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS);
- while(!itsDone)
- {
- ModalDialog(nil, &itemHit);
- if (itemHit == 1) {
- ChangeBitDepth(8,1);
- theScreen = GetVideoInfo();
- itsDone = TRUE;
- }
- if (itemHit == 2) {
- ExitToShell();
- }
- }
- DisposDialog(dialog);
- }
- // Lets open some windows starting with the background then the foreground.
- BackWindow = NewCWindow( 0L, &theScreen.screenRect, "\pFractal", TRUE, plainDBox, ( WindowPtr ) -1, FALSE, 0L );
- SelectWindow(BackWindow);
- SetPort(BackWindow);
- SetRect(&theGameRect, 0, 0, (windX << 1), (windY << 1));
- theGameWindow = NewCWindow(nil, &theGameRect, "\pFractal", TRUE, 1, (WindowPtr)-1, FALSE, 0);
- MoveWindow(theGameWindow, (theScreen.resolutionX >>1) - windX,
- (theScreen.resolutionY >>1) - windY, FALSE);
- FillWindowsBlack( );
- fracCols = GetNewPalette( (127 + pNum) );
- }
- void WindowMove(void)
- {
- Rect theGameRect;
- qd.randSeed = randSeed;
- SelectWindow(BackWindow);
- SetPort(BackWindow);
- SetRect( &theGameRect, 0, 0, (windX << 1), (windY << 1) );
- SizeWindow( theGameWindow, (windX << 1), (windY << 1), TRUE );
- MoveWindow(theGameWindow, (theScreen.resolutionX >>1) - windX,
- (theScreen.resolutionY >>1) - windY, FALSE );
- DisposePalette(fracCols);
- fracCols = GetNewPalette( (127 + pNum) );
- SetPalette( BackWindow, fracCols, TRUE );
- SetPalette( theGameWindow, fracCols, TRUE );
- FillWindowsBlack( );
- SelectWindow(theGameWindow);
- SelectWindow(theGameWindow);
- }
- void MemInit(void)
- {
- Size ScSize;
- theTemp = NewPtr( 66049 );
- if (theTemp == 0) DoError(6, TRUE);
- theTemp2 = NewPtr( 66049 );
- if (theTemp2 == 0) DoError(6, TRUE);
- ScSize = (Size)(((long)theScreen.resolutionX) * ((long)theScreen.resolutionY));
- offScreen = NewPtr( ScSize );
- if (offScreen == 0) DoError(6, TRUE);
- theTemp3 = NewPtr( 524288 );
- if (theTemp3 == 0) DoError(6, TRUE);
- the = (mapPeek)theTemp;
- the2 = (mapPeek)theTemp2;
- }
- void MemEnd(void)
- {
- DisposPtr(theTemp);
- DisposPtr(theTemp2);
- DisposPtr(theTemp3);
- DisposPtr(offScreen);
- }
- void FillWindowsBlack( void )
- {
- SetPort(BackWindow);
- ForeColor( blackColor );
- PaintRect( &BackWindow->portRect );
- SetPort(theGameWindow);
- ForeColor( blackColor );
- PaintRect( &theGameWindow->portRect );
- }
- void MakeMap(void)
- {
- short pss,height;
- short x,y;
- DialogPtr dialog;
- dialog = GetNewDialog(129, nil, (WindowPtr)-1);
- DrawDialog(dialog);
- FillWindowsBlack( );
- qd.randSeed = randSeed;
- pss = 64;
- height = 128;
- for( y = 0; y < mapY; y++ )
- {
- for( x = 0; x < mapX; x++ )
- {
- the->map[x][y] = 128;
- }
- }
- while( pss > ( 20 - ( 4 * roughness ) ) )
- {
- ChangeHeight( pss, height );
- Smooth(pss);
- pss = pss >> 1;
- height = height >> 1;
- if (height == 0) height = 1;
- }
- while(pss > 1)
- {
- Smooth(pss);
- pss = pss >> 1;
- }
- DisposDialog(dialog);
- }
- void ChangeHeight( int pss, int height )
- {
- long x,y;
- for ( x = 0; x < mapX; x = x + pss )
- {
- for( y = 0; y < mapY; y = y + pss )
- {
- the->map[x][y] = the->map[x][y] + (((long)Random() * height) >> (17 - maxHeight) );
- }
- }
- }
- void Smooth(int pss)
- {
- long dff;
- short x,y;
- long misc;
- dff = pss>>1;
- for ( x = 0; x < mapX; x = x + pss )
- {
- for( y = 0; y < mapY; y = y + pss )
- {
- misc = (long)((long)hght(x,y) + (long)hght(x + pss,y) + (long)hght(x + pss,y + pss) + (long)hght(x,y + pss));
- the->map[x+dff][y+dff] = (unsigned char)(misc >> 2);
- the->map[x+dff][y] = (hght(x,y) + hght(x+pss,y)) >> 1;
- the->map[x][y+dff] = (hght(x,y) + hght(x,y+pss)) >> 1;
- the->map[x+pss][y+dff] = ((long)((hght(x+pss,y+pss) + hght(x+pss,y)))) >> 1;
- the->map[x+dff][y+pss] = ( hght(x+pss,y+pss) + hght(x,y+pss)) >> 1;
- }
- }
- }
- int hght(short x, short y)
- {
- return (unsigned char)the->map[x & mapXp][y & mapYp];
- }
- int hght2(short x, short y)
- {
- return (unsigned char)the2->map[x & mapXp][y & mapYp];
- }
- void BlurMap(void)
- {
- long hht;
- short x,y;
- DialogPtr dialog;
- dialog = GetNewDialog(130, nil, (WindowPtr)-1);
- DrawDialog(dialog);
- FillWindowsBlack( );
- for(x = 0; x < mapX; x++)
- {
- for(y = 0; y < mapY; y++)
- {
- hht = the->map[x][y];
- hht -= waterLevel;
- if (hht < 0) hht = 0;
- the2->map[x][y] = hht;
- }
- }
- for(x = 0; x < mapX; x++)
- {
- for(y = 0; y < mapY; y++)
- {
- hht = (long)(((long)hght2(x+6,y-4)) << 2) + (((long)hght2(x-4,y+8)) << 2) + ((long)(hght2(x,y)) << 3);
- the->map[x][y] = (unsigned char)(hht >> 5);
- }
- }
- DisposDialog(dialog);
- }
- void MakeCols(void)
- {
- short x, y, c, co;
- DialogPtr dialog;
- dialog = GetNewDialog(131, nil, (WindowPtr)-1);
- DrawDialog(dialog);
- FillWindowsBlack( );
- for( y = 0; y < mapX; y++)
- {
- for( x = 0; x < mapY; x++)
- {
- c = (short)(the->map[x][y]);
- co = c;
- c = (short)( (long)(c -
- ((unsigned char)the->map
- [((short)(x + 3) & mapXp)]
- [((short)(y + 3) & mapYp)])
- ));
- c = (c >> 1) + 7;
- if (c > 15) c = 15;
- if (c < 0) c = 0;
- c += 32;
- if (co == 0) c = 47;
- if (co > 0) c = c + 16;
- if (co > 16) c = c + 16;
- if (co > 32) c = c + 16;
- if (co > 48) c = c + 16;
- the2->map[x][y] = (unsigned char)(c);
- }
- }
- DisposDialog(dialog);
- FillWindowsBlack( );
- }
- asm copyOffScreen(void)
- {
- move.l offScreen, a0
- add.l windXstep, a0
- sub.l windX2, a0
- move.l ScrnBase, a1
- add.l orfset, a1
- move.l windYsteps, d1
- move.l windX, d0
- asr.l #1, d0
- sub.l #1, d0
- sub.l #1, d1
- asr #2, d0
- move.l d0, d2
- move.l rBts, d3
- sub.l windX2, d3
- @4:
- move.l yStep, d7
- sub.l #1, d7
- @50:
- move.l d2, d0
- @5:
- move.l (a0)+, (a1)+
- move.l (a0)+, (a1)+
- move.l (a0)+, (a1)+
- move.l (a0)+, (a1)+
- dbra d0, @5
- sub.l windX2, a0 /* for copy same line */
- add.l d3, a1 /* where d3 is diff. between windowXsize and RowBytes */
- dbra d7,@50
- add.l windXstep, a0
- dbra d1,@4
- rts
- }
- #else
- void copyOffScreen(void)
- {
- Ptr ta0, ta1, ta2;
- long td0, td1, td2, td3, td7;
- ta0 = offScreen;
- ta0 += windXstep;
- ta0 -= windX2;
- ta1 = ScrnBase;
- ta1+= orfset;
- td1 = windYsteps;
- td0 = (windX >> 1);
- td0 -= 1;
- td1 -= 1;
- td2 = td0;
- td3 = rBts - windX2;
- while(td1 >= 0)
- {
- td7 = yStep - 1;
- while(td7 >= 0)
- {
- td0 = td2;
- ta2 = ta0 + (4 * td2);
- while(ta2 >= ta0)
- {
- *(unsigned long*)(ta1) = *(unsigned long*)(ta0);
- ta0 += 4;
- ta1 += 4;
- }
- ta0 -= windX2;
- ta1 += td3;
- td7 -= 1;
- }
- ta0 += windXstep;
- td1 -= 1;
- }
- }
- #endif
- asm clearOffScreen(void)
- {
- move.l offScreen, a0
- move.l theSize, d0
- move.l #514 , d1
- move.l d1, d2
- swap d2
- add.l d2, d1
- @1:
- move.l d1, (a0)+
- move.l d1, (a0)+
- move.l d1, (a0)+
- move.l d1, (a0)+
- sub.l #4, d0
- bne @1
- rts
- }
- #else
- void clearOffScreen(void)
- {
- Ptr offScreenCounter;
- Ptr theEndCounter;
- unsigned long skyColour;
- offScreenCounter = offScreen;
- theEndCounter = offScreenCounter + (theSize << 2);
- skyColour = 514 + ( 514 << 16 );
- while(theEndCounter != offScreenCounter)
- {
- *(unsigned long*)(offScreenCounter) = skyColour;
- offScreenCounter +=4;
- }
- }
- #endif
- void ToDrawX1(void)
- {
- long xp, yp, xp2;
- long L;
- long x, y;
- long xv, zv;
- long z, yv;
- Ptr offScreen2;
- unsigned short MrBlobby;
- long rayLenTmp;
- long xOffSet, xOffSetdiv, xChng, yztemp, yOffSet2;
- xp = -windX;
- xp2 = 0;
- xChng = -((xres2 - mx2) >> 2);
- xOffSet = xp * xChng;
- xOffSetdiv = xOffSet >> 8;
- while (xp < windX)
- {
- x = xxxx;
- y = yyyy;
- z = hhhh + (xOffSet >> 8);
- yp = -windY;
- L = 0;
- offScreen2 = offScreen + xp2 + (((windY2-1) * windX2));
- xv = (long)(cs[angle] - ((xp * sn[angle]) >> 8) );
- zv = (long)(sn[angle] + ((xp * cs[angle]) >> 8) );
- yv = yp - yOffSet - (xOffSet >> 8);
- yOffSet2 = - yOffSet - xOffSetdiv;
- rayLenTmp = 128;
- if (rayLen < rayLenTmp) rayLenTmp = rayLen;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob1;
- while (L<rayLenTmp)
- {
- if ( *(unsigned char*)(theTemp + MrBlobby ) > (z >> heightShift) )
- {
- *(char*)(offScreen2) =
- *(char*)(theTemp3 + (((long)*(theTemp2 + MrBlobby)) << 11) + (L << 2));
- yp += yStep;
- if (yp >= windY) goto end3;
- offScreen2 -= windXstep;
- yv += yStep;
- z = hhhh + (yv * L);
- }
- else
- {
- L++;
- z += yv;
- x += xv;
- y += zv;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob1;
- }
- }
- yv = yv << 1;
- xv = xv << 1;
- zv = zv << 1;
- rayLenTmp = 256;
- if (rayLen < rayLenTmp) rayLenTmp = rayLen;
- if (yp>=windY) L = rayLenTmp;
- yztemp = yp + yOffSet2;
- while ( L < rayLenTmp )
- {
- if ( *(unsigned char*)(theTemp + MrBlobby ) > (z >> heightShift) )
- {
- *(char*)(offScreen2) =
- *(char*)(theTemp3 + (((long)*(theTemp2 + MrBlobby)) << 11) + (L << 2));
- yp += yStep;
- if (yp >= windY) goto end3;
- offScreen2 -= windXstep;
- yztemp += yStep;
- yv = yztemp << 1;
- z = hhhh + (yztemp * L);
- }
- else
- {
- L += 2;
- x += xv;
- y += zv;
- z += yv;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob2;
- }
- }
- yv = yv << 1;
- xv = xv << 1;
- zv = zv << 1;
- rayLenTmp = rayLen;
- if (yp>=windY) goto end3;
- yztemp = yp + yOffSet2;
- while (L<rayLenTmp)
- {
- if ( *(unsigned char*)(theTemp + MrBlobby ) > (z >> heightShift) )
- {
- *(char*)(offScreen2) =
- *(char*)(theTemp3 + (((long)*(theTemp2 + MrBlobby)) << 11) + (L << 2));
- yp += yStep;
- if (yp >= windY) goto end3;
- offScreen2 -= windXstep;
- yztemp += yStep;
- yv = yztemp << 2;
- z = hhhh + (yztemp * L);
- }
- else
- {
- L += 4;
- x += xv;
- y += zv;
- z += yv;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob3;
- }
- }
- end3:
- xp2 += 1;
- xp += 1;
- xOffSet += xChng;
- xOffSetdiv = xOffSet >> 8;
- }
- copyOffScreen();
- clearOffScreen();
- }
- void ToDrawX2(void)
- {
- long xp, yp, xp2;
- long L;
- long x, y;
- long xv, zv;
- long z, yv;
- Ptr offScreen2;
- unsigned short MrBlobby;
- long rayLenTmp;
- long xOffSet, xOffSetdiv, xChng, yztemp, yOffSet2;
- xp = -windX;
- xp2 = 0;
- xChng = -((xres2 - mx2) >> 2);
- xOffSet = xp * xChng;
- xOffSetdiv = xOffSet >> 8;
- xChng = xChng << 1;
- while (xp < windX)
- {
- x = xxxx;
- y = yyyy;
- z = hhhh + (xOffSet >> 8);
- yp = -windY;
- L = 0;
- offScreen2 = offScreen + xp2 + (((windY2-1) * windX2));
- xv = (long)(cs[angle] - ((xp * sn[angle]) >> 8) );
- zv = (long)(sn[angle] + ((xp * cs[angle]) >> 8) );
- yv = yp - yOffSet - (xOffSet >> 8);
- yOffSet2 = - yOffSet - xOffSetdiv;
- rayLenTmp = 128;
- if (rayLen < rayLenTmp) rayLenTmp = rayLen;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob1;
- while (L<rayLenTmp)
- {
- if ( *(unsigned char*)(theTemp + MrBlobby ) > (z >> heightShift) )
- {
- *(short*)(offScreen2) =
- *(short*)(theTemp3 + (((long)*(theTemp2 + MrBlobby)) << 11) + (L << 2));
- yp += yStep;
- if (yp >= windY) goto end3;
- offScreen2 -= windXstep;
- yv += yStep;
- z = hhhh + (yv * L);
- }
- else
- {
- L++;
- z += yv;
- x += xv;
- y += zv;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob1;
- }
- }
- yv = yv << 1;
- xv = xv << 1;
- zv = zv << 1;
- rayLenTmp = 256;
- if (rayLen < rayLenTmp) rayLenTmp = rayLen;
- if (yp>=windY) L = rayLenTmp;
- yztemp = yp + yOffSet2;
- while ( L < rayLenTmp )
- {
- if ( *(unsigned char*)(theTemp + MrBlobby ) > (z >> heightShift) )
- {
- *(short*)(offScreen2) =
- *(short*)(theTemp3 + (((long)*(theTemp2 + MrBlobby)) << 11) + (L << 2));
- yp += yStep;
- if (yp >= windY) goto end3;
- offScreen2 -= windXstep;
- yztemp += yStep;
- yv = yztemp << 1;
- z = hhhh + (yztemp * L);
- }
- else
- {
- L += 2;
- x += xv;
- y += zv;
- z += yv;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob2;
- }
- }
- yv = yv << 1;
- xv = xv << 1;
- zv = zv << 1;
- rayLenTmp = rayLen;
- if (yp>=windY) goto end3;
- yztemp = yp + yOffSet2;
- while (L<rayLenTmp)
- {
- if ( *(unsigned char*)(theTemp + MrBlobby ) > (z >> heightShift) )
- {
- *(short*)(offScreen2) =
- *(short*)(theTemp3 + (((long)*(theTemp2 + MrBlobby)) << 11) + (L << 2));
- yp += yStep;
- if (yp >= windY) goto end3;
- offScreen2 -= windXstep;
- yztemp += yStep;
- yv = yztemp << 2;
- z = hhhh + (yztemp * L);
- }
- else
- {
- L += 4;
- x += xv;
- y += zv;
- z += yv;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob3;
- }
- }
- end3:
- xp2 += 2;
- xp += 2;
- xOffSet += xChng;
- xOffSetdiv = xOffSet >> 8;
- }
- copyOffScreen();
- clearOffScreen();
- }
- void ToDrawX4(void)
- {
- long xp, yp, xp2;
- long L;
- long x, y;
- long xv, zv;
- long z, yv;
- Ptr offScreen2;
- unsigned short MrBlobby;
- long rayLenTmp;
- long xOffSet, xOffSetdiv, xChng, yztemp, yOffSet2;
- xp = -windX;
- xp2 = 0;
- xChng = -((xres2 - mx2) >> 2);
- xOffSet = xp * xChng;
- xOffSetdiv = xOffSet >> 8;
- xChng = xChng << 2;
- while (xp < windX)
- {
- x = xxxx;
- y = yyyy;
- z = hhhh + (xOffSet >> 8);
- yp = -windY;
- L = 0;
- offScreen2 = offScreen + xp2 + (((windY2-1) * windX2));
- xv = (long)(cs[angle] - ((xp * sn[angle]) >> 8) );
- zv = (long)(sn[angle] + ((xp * cs[angle]) >> 8) );
- yv = yp - yOffSet - (xOffSet >> 8);
- yOffSet2 = - yOffSet - xOffSetdiv;
- rayLenTmp = 128;
- if (rayLen < rayLenTmp) rayLenTmp = rayLen;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob1;
- while (L<rayLenTmp)
- {
- if ( *(unsigned char*)(theTemp + MrBlobby ) > (z >> heightShift) )
- {
- *(long*)(offScreen2) =
- *(long*)(theTemp3 + (((long)*(theTemp2 + MrBlobby)) << 11) + (L << 2));
- yp += yStep;
- if (yp >= windY) goto end3;
- offScreen2 -= windXstep;
- yv += yStep;
- z = hhhh + (yv * L);
- }
- else
- {
- L++;
- z += yv;
- x += xv;
- y += zv;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob1;
- }
- }
- yv = yv << 1;
- xv = xv << 1;
- zv = zv << 1;
- rayLenTmp = 256;
- if (rayLen < rayLenTmp) rayLenTmp = rayLen;
- if (yp>=windY) L = rayLenTmp;
- yztemp = yp + yOffSet2;
- while ( L < rayLenTmp )
- {
- if ( *(unsigned char*)(theTemp + MrBlobby ) > (z >> heightShift) )
- {
- *(unsigned long*)(offScreen2) =
- *(unsigned long*)(theTemp3 + (((long)*(theTemp2 + MrBlobby)) << 11) + (L << 2));
- yp += yStep;
- if (yp >= windY) goto end3;
- offScreen2 -= windXstep;
- yztemp += yStep;
- yv = yztemp << 1;
- z = hhhh + (yztemp * L);
- }
- else
- {
- L += 2;
- x += xv;
- y += zv;
- z += yv;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob2;
- }
- }
- yv = yv << 1;
- xv = xv << 1;
- zv = zv << 1;
- rayLenTmp = rayLen;
- if (yp>=windY) goto end3;
- yztemp = yp + yOffSet2;
- while (L<rayLenTmp)
- {
- if ( *(unsigned char*)(theTemp + MrBlobby ) > (z >> heightShift) )
- {
- *(unsigned long*)(offScreen2) =
- *(unsigned long*)(theTemp3 + (((long)*(theTemp2 + MrBlobby)) << 11) + (L << 2));
- yp += yStep;
- if (yp >= windY) goto end3;
- offScreen2 -= windXstep;
- yztemp += yStep;
- yv = yztemp << 2;
- z = hhhh + (yztemp * L);
- }
- else
- {
- L += 4;
- x += xv;
- y += zv;
- z += yv;
- MrBlobby = mrBlob3;
- }
- }
- end3:
- xp2 += 4;
- xp += 4;
- xOffSet += xChng;
- xOffSetdiv = xOffSet >> 8;
- }
- copyOffScreen();
- clearOffScreen();
- }
- void DoPreferences(void)
- {
- Boolean itsDone;
- DialogPtr theDialog, theDialog2;
- short itemHit, itemHit2;
- Rect iRect;
- Point tempPoint;
- Rect tempRect;
- StringHandle string;
- short WindowSizeError, WindowSizeTemp;
- short PixelSizeError, PixelSizeTemp;
- short LandScapeError, LandScapeTemp;
- short RayLenError, RayLenTemp;
- short keyBoardTemp, keyBoardError;
- short heightTemp, heightError;
- short roughTemp, roughError;
- ControlHandle WindSizeCtrl, PixSizeCtrl, LandCtrl, RayLenCtrl, ctrlCtrl, heightCtrl, roughCtrl;
- MenuHandle WindSizeMenu, LandMenu, PixSizeMenu, RayLenMenu, ctrlMenu, heightMenu, roughMenu;
- ShowCursor();
- string = NewHandle( 256 );
- theDialog = GetNewDialog(133, nil, BackWindow);
- if (theDialog == 0) DoError(4 ,TRUE);
- SetPort( theDialog );
- SelectWindow( theDialog );
- BringToFront( theDialog );
- DrawDialog( theDialog );
- PenMode( 0 );
- PenSize( 3, 3 );
- tempRect = GetDRect( theDialog, 21 );
- FrameRoundRect( &tempRect, 16, 16 );
- tempRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mWindSize);
- WindSizeCtrl = NewControl(theDialog, &tempRect, "", TRUE, 1, WindSizeMnu, 0, (1008 + 5), WindSizeMnu);
- if (WindSizeCtrl == 0) DoError(18 ,TRUE);
- WindSizeMenu = GetMenu(WindSizeMnu);
- if (WindSizeMenu == 0) DoError(1 ,TRUE);
- InsertMenu(WindSizeMenu, -1);
- tempRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mHeight);
- heightCtrl = NewControl(theDialog, &tempRect, "", TRUE, 1, heightMnu, 0, (1008 + 5), WindSizeMnu);
- if (heightCtrl == 0) DoError(18 ,TRUE);
- heightMenu = GetMenu(heightMnu);
- if (heightMenu == 0) DoError(1 ,TRUE);
- InsertMenu(heightMenu, -1);
- tempRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mRough);
- roughCtrl = NewControl(theDialog, &tempRect, "", TRUE, 1, roughMnu, 0, (1008 + 5), WindSizeMnu);
- if (roughCtrl == 0) DoError(18 ,TRUE);
- roughMenu = GetMenu(roughMnu);
- if (roughMenu == 0) DoError(1 ,TRUE);
- InsertMenu(roughMenu, -1);
- tempRect = GetDRect( theDialog, mCtrl );
- ctrlCtrl = NewControl( theDialog, &tempRect, "", TRUE, 1, CtrlMnu, 0, (1008 + 5), WindSizeMnu );
- if (ctrlCtrl == 0) DoError(18 ,TRUE);
- ctrlMenu = GetMenu( CtrlMnu );
- if ( ctrlMenu == 0 ) DoError( 1 ,TRUE );
- InsertMenu(ctrlMenu, -1);
- if (theScreen.resolutionX < 640) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 6);
- if (theScreen.resolutionX < 640) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 5);
- if (theScreen.resolutionX < 512) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 4);
- if (theScreen.resolutionX < 400) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 3);
- if (theScreen.resolutionX < 320) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 2);
- if (theScreen.resolutionX < 160) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 1);
- if (theScreen.resolutionY < 480) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 6);
- if (theScreen.resolutionY < 400) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 5);
- if (theScreen.resolutionY < 384) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 4);
- if (theScreen.resolutionY < 300) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 3);
- if (theScreen.resolutionY < 240) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 2);
- if (theScreen.resolutionY < 120) DisableItem(WindSizeMenu, 1);
- tempRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mPixelSize);
- PixSizeCtrl = NewControl(theDialog, &tempRect, "", TRUE, 1, PixSizeMnu, 0, (1008 + 5), WindSizeMnu);
- if (PixSizeCtrl == 0) DoError(18 ,TRUE);
- PixSizeMenu = GetMenu(PixSizeMnu);
- if (PixSizeMenu == 0) DoError(1 ,TRUE);
- InsertMenu(PixSizeMenu, -1);
- tempRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mLandscape);
- LandCtrl = NewControl(theDialog, &tempRect, "", TRUE, 1, LandMnu, 0, (1008 + 5), WindSizeMnu);
- if (LandCtrl == 0) DoError(18 ,TRUE);
- LandMenu = GetMenu(LandMnu);
- if (LandMenu == 0) DoError(1 ,TRUE);
- InsertMenu(LandMenu, -1);
- tempRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mRayLength);
- RayLenCtrl = NewControl(theDialog, &tempRect, "", TRUE, 1, RayLenMnu, 0, (1008 + 5), WindSizeMnu);
- if (RayLenCtrl == 0) DoError(18 ,TRUE);
- RayLenMenu = GetMenu(RayLenMnu);
- if (RayLenMenu == 0) DoError(1 ,TRUE);
- InsertMenu(RayLenMenu, -1);
- SetTheInfo(theDialog, tRandSeed, randSeed);
- SetTheInfo(theDialog, tWaterLevel, waterLevel);
- SetCtlValue( PixSizeCtrl , (short)PixelSizeOption );
- SetCtlValue( WindSizeCtrl, (short)WindowSizeOption );
- SetCtlValue( LandCtrl , (short)LandScapeOption );
- SetCtlValue( RayLenCtrl , (short)RayLengthOption );
- SetCtlValue( ctrlCtrl , (short)keyBoard );
- SetCtlValue( heightCtrl , (short)maxHeight );
- SetCtlValue( roughCtrl , (short)roughness );
- tempRect = GetDRect( theDialog, 24);
- FrameRect(&tempRect);
- tempRect = GetDRect( theDialog, 29);
- FrameRect(&tempRect);
- itsDone = FALSE;
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS);
- while(!itsDone)
- {
- ModalDialog(nil, &itemHit);
- if (itemHit == bOK) {
- itsDone = TRUE;
- }
- if (itemHit == bQuit) {
- Quit();
- }
- if (itemHit == bAbout) {
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS);
- theDialog2 = GetNewDialog(8000, nil, BackWindow);
- SelectWindow(theDialog2);
- BringToFront(theDialog2);
- SetPort( theDialog2 );
- PenMode( 0 );
- PenSize( 3, 3 );
- tempRect = GetDRect( theDialog2, 4 );
- FrameRoundRect( &tempRect, 16, 16 );
- itemHit2 = 0;
- while(itemHit2 != 1) { ModalDialog(nil, &itemHit2); }
- DisposDialog(theDialog2);
- SetPort( theDialog );
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS);
- tempRect = GetDRect( theDialog, 24);
- FrameRect(&tempRect);
- tempRect = GetDRect( theDialog, 29);
- FrameRect(&tempRect);
- }
- if (itemHit == bRandomize){
- qd.randSeed = (unsigned long)TickCount();
- randSeed = Random() + 32767;
- if (randSeed == 0) randSeed = 1;
- SetTheInfo(theDialog, tRandSeed, randSeed);
- }
- if (itemHit == mWindSize){
- WindowSizeError = WindowSizeOption;
- iRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mWindSize);
- tempPoint.v = iRect.top;
- tempPoint.h = iRect.left;
- LocalToGlobal(&tempPoint);
- WindowSizeTemp = PopUpMenuSelect(WindSizeMenu, tempPoint.v, tempPoint.h, WindowSizeOption);
- if (WindowSizeTemp != 0) WindowSizeOption = WindowSizeTemp;
- if (WindowSizeTemp == 8) {
- DoOther();
- SetPort(theDialog);
- tempRect = GetDRect( theDialog, 18);
- FrameRect(&tempRect);
- }
- SetCtlValue(WindSizeCtrl, (short)WindowSizeOption);
- }
- if (itemHit == mPixelSize){
- PixelSizeError = PixelSizeOption;
- iRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mPixelSize);
- tempPoint.v = iRect.top;
- tempPoint.h = iRect.left;
- LocalToGlobal(&tempPoint);
- PixelSizeTemp = PopUpMenuSelect(PixSizeMenu, tempPoint.v, tempPoint.h, PixelSizeOption);
- if (PixelSizeTemp != 0) PixelSizeOption = PixelSizeTemp;
- SetCtlValue(PixSizeCtrl, (short)PixelSizeOption);
- }
- if (itemHit == mCtrl){
- keyBoardError = keyBoard;
- iRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mCtrl);
- tempPoint.v = iRect.top;
- tempPoint.h = iRect.left;
- LocalToGlobal(&tempPoint);
- keyBoardTemp = PopUpMenuSelect( ctrlMenu, tempPoint.v, tempPoint.h, keyBoard);
- if (keyBoardTemp != 0) keyBoard = keyBoardTemp;
- SetCtlValue(ctrlCtrl, (short)keyBoard);
- }
- if (itemHit == mHeight){
- heightError = maxHeight;
- iRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mHeight);
- tempPoint.v = iRect.top;
- tempPoint.h = iRect.left;
- LocalToGlobal(&tempPoint);
- heightTemp = PopUpMenuSelect( heightMenu, tempPoint.v, tempPoint.h, maxHeight );
- if (heightTemp != 0) maxHeight = heightTemp;
- SetCtlValue(heightCtrl, (short)maxHeight);
- }
- if (itemHit == mRough){
- roughError = roughness;
- iRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mRough);
- tempPoint.v = iRect.top;
- tempPoint.h = iRect.left;
- LocalToGlobal(&tempPoint);
- roughTemp = PopUpMenuSelect( roughMenu, tempPoint.v, tempPoint.h, roughness );
- if (roughTemp != 0) roughness = roughTemp;
- SetCtlValue(roughCtrl, (short)roughness);
- }
- if (itemHit == mLandscape){
- LandScapeError = LandScapeOption;
- iRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mLandscape);
- tempPoint.v = iRect.top;
- tempPoint.h = iRect.left;
- LocalToGlobal(&tempPoint);
- LandScapeTemp = PopUpMenuSelect(LandMenu, tempPoint.v, tempPoint.h, LandScapeOption);
- if (LandScapeTemp != 0) LandScapeOption = LandScapeTemp;
- SetCtlValue(LandCtrl, (short)LandScapeOption);
- }
- if (itemHit == mRayLength){
- RayLenError = RayLengthOption;
- iRect = GetDRect(theDialog, mRayLength);
- tempPoint.v = iRect.top;
- tempPoint.h = iRect.left;
- LocalToGlobal(&tempPoint);
- RayLenTemp = PopUpMenuSelect(RayLenMenu, tempPoint.v, tempPoint.h, RayLengthOption);
- if (RayLenTemp != 0) RayLengthOption = RayLenTemp;
- SetCtlValue(RayLenCtrl, (short)RayLengthOption);
- }
- }
- GetTheInfoStr(theDialog, tRandSeed, string);
- StringToNum(*string, &randSeed);
- GetTheInfoStr(theDialog, tWaterLevel, string);
- StringToNum(*string, &waterLevel);
- if (randSeed == 0) randSeed = 1;
- tempPoint.v = 0;
- tempPoint.h = 0;
- ShieldCursor(&theScreen.screenRect, tempPoint);
- DisposHandle(string);
- switch (WindowSizeOption) {
- case 1: { windX = 80;
- windY = 60;
- } break;
- case 2: { windX = 160;
- windY = 120;
- } break;
- case 3: { windX = 200;
- windY = 150;
- } break;
- case 4: { windX = 256;
- windY = 192;
- } break;
- case 5: { windX = 320;
- windY = 200;
- } break;
- case 6: { windX = 320;
- windY = 240;
- } break;
- }
- switch (PixelSizeOption) {
- case 1: { xStep = 1;
- yStep = 1;
- } break;
- case 2: { xStep = 2;
- yStep = 1;
- } break;
- case 3: { xStep = 2;
- yStep = 2;
- } break;
- case 4: { xStep = 4;
- yStep = 2;
- } break;
- case 5: { xStep = 4;
- yStep = 4;
- } break;
- }
- switch (RayLengthOption) {
- case 1: { rayLen = 128;
- } break;
- case 2: { rayLen = 200;
- } break;
- case 3: { rayLen = 256;
- } break;
- case 4: { rayLen = 320;
- } break;
- case 5: { rayLen = 400;
- } break;
- case 6: { rayLen = 512;
- } break;
- }
- pNum = LandScapeOption;
- DisposDialog(theDialog);
- FillWindowsBlack( );
- }
- void DoOther(void)
- {
- DialogPtr dialog;
- short itemHit;
- Boolean itsDone;
- short windXtemp, windYtemp;
- Rect theRect;
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS);
- dialog = GetNewDialog(128, nil, BackWindow);
- if (dialog == 0) DoError(4 ,TRUE);
- SetTheInfo(dialog, 3, windX2);
- SetTheInfo(dialog, 4, windY2);
- SelectWindow(dialog);
- BringToFront( dialog );
- DrawDialog( dialog );
- SetPort( dialog );
- PenMode( 0 );
- PenSize( 3, 3 );
- theRect = GetDRect( dialog, 6 );
- FrameRoundRect( &theRect, 16, 16 );
- itsDone = FALSE;
- while(itsDone != TRUE) {
- ModalDialog(nil, &itemHit);
- switch (itemHit) {
- case bOK: {
- windXtemp = GetTheInfo(dialog, 3);
- if (windXtemp > theScreen.resolutionX) windXtemp = theScreen.resolutionX;
- windYtemp = GetTheInfo(dialog, 4);
- if (windYtemp > theScreen.resolutionY) windYtemp = theScreen.resolutionY;
- windXtemp = windXtemp >> 5 << 5;
- windYtemp = windYtemp >> 2 << 2;
- if (windXtemp == 0) windXtemp = 32;
- if (windYtemp == 0) windYtemp = 32;
- windX = windXtemp >> 1;
- windY = windYtemp >> 1;
- itsDone = TRUE;
- }
- case bQuit: {
- itsDone = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- DisposDialog(dialog);
- FillWindowsBlack( );
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS);
- }
- void Quit(void)
- {
- ShowCursor();
- ShowMenuBar();
- MemEnd();
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS);
- ChangeBitDepth(oldBitDepth,1);
- ExitToShell();
- }